Posts Tagged ‘Ben’

Pivot Stick Men

June 4, 2011

If you haven’t seen Pivot, a Stickfigure Animator, I highly recommend that you take a look at it. 

Pivot is a FREE piece of software (ad supported) which makes it easy to create stick-fiqure animations and add your own backgrounds. The animations can then be saved as animated gifs and added to your school’s MLE.

As it says on the Pivot website “Pivot Stickfigure Animator is a unique software, that allows you to create stick figure animations easily and without any artistic skills. You can move the sections of the sick figure and easily create a chain of animation frames that can be previewed as you go.”

It is a very popular piece of software with the children at my school.

Here are two examples made by two 9 year old boys from my school. The project took about 4-5 weeks to complete during their weekly ICT lessons.

I hope you enjoy the work created by Kei and Ben (and brilliantly taught by Bern!)

Here’s a video of Kei’s work

and the video of Ben’s work

Please leave a comment for Ben and Kei if you have a minute as I’m trying to get other children in the school see the power of blogging!
Thanks in advance 🙂

*the latest version of Pivot installs the Bing toolbar unless you choose opt-out